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October 22, 2024, 3:39 am

Lease for Shurer Dhara: How canal became fallow land

DMH Desk
  • Update Time : Monday, October 7, 2024,
  • 9 Time View

Shurer Dhara, a musical school founded by eminent musician Rezwana Choudhury Bannya, has been embroiled in controversy over the allocation of the land.

Reports have surfaced that the land was illegally allocated by blocking the water flow of the Ramchandrapur Canal in Mohammadpur, Dhaka.

In 2019, Rezwana Choudhury Bannya applied for land for her music school Shurer Dhara.

Later, it was alleged that on the instructions of the former prime minister and her sister, Rezwana was granted a lease of 51.20% land at the opening of the Ramchandrapur Canal in 2022, almost three years after the application was made.

Permission for the construction of the building was also granted by Rajuk and DNCC on their directives.

How canal became fallow land

According to sources, on June 12, 2022, land was leased in the name of Shurer Dhara for 30 years.

The lease was granted in favour of Principal and Professor Rezwana Choudhury Bannya.

The lease document was signed on behalf of the government by the then-deputy commissioner Md Shahidul Islam.

The terms of the lease stated that it was granted for 30 years. However, the lessee has the right to renew the lease for up to 99 years.

According to the CS (Cadastral Survey), SA (State Acquisition Survey), and RS (Revisional Survey) records, the land was shown as part of the canal.

However, during the city survey, the filled-in part of the canal was classified as fallow land.

On June 5, 2023, Shurer Dhara paid the land development tax for the site to the Ramchandrapur land office under Dhanmondi police station.

Rezwana Choudhury Bannya applied for permission from Rajuk and the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) to build a multi-story building on the land.

An official of Rajuk, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “In late 2019, we received this file. As it was canal land, we were hesitant to approve it. However, there was pressure from the higher authorities, telling us that it was for Rezwana Choudhury Bannya, a friend of Sheikh Hasina.”

He added: “At the time, the Housing and Public Works Minister summoned a Rajuk official and pressured him to approve the land. Later, the then-mayor Atiqul Islam also forced the city corporation officials to give permission. In such a situation, the officials concerned had no choice but to approve the file.”

DNCC Chief Property Officer Dr Md Mahe Alam told the media: “On the mayor’s orders, permission was granted to build a structure on this land.”

According to the CS map, the canal was over 100 feet wide, running along Mohammadia Housing, Mohammadia Society Limited, and Basila Housing.

A study conducted by the private research institute River and Delta Research Center (RDRC) found that the Ramchandrapur Canal has lost 3.65 kilometers of waterways and 4.21 hectares of land.

Various operations have recovered 2.405 hectares so far.

Currently, 36.6% of the canal area is covered by roads, 55.47% by settlements, 2.07% by trees, 2.23% by garbage, 2.34% by cropland, and 2.29% is muddy wetland.

Current state of ‘Shurer Dhara’

It has been discovered that all activities of Shurer Dhara ceased after Sheikh Hasina left the country after August 5.

Currently, the land allocated for the school has been taken over again by truck owners.

Akbar Hossain, who is managing the truck stand on behalf of the truck drivers and owners, said: “After the government fell and the school was shut down, we started parking trucks here temporarily. If the government restores the canal or provides an alternative, we will move.”

Meanwhile, a youth named Md Junaid Ahmed, who participated in the student movement in the Mohammadpur area, has taken over the one-story building that was constructed for the music school.

Md Junaid Ahmed said: “After the fall of the Awami League government and the fleeing of Shurer Dhara members, I requested the truck owners and decided to temporarily run a school for neglected children in this building. However, if the government works to restore the canal’s water flow, we will leave.”

Attempts to contact Rezwana Choudhury Bannya regarding the school were unsuccessful, as her phone was found switched off.

It has been reported that she is currently in the UK.

Dhrubo Acharya, teacher-in-charge of Shurer Dhara, told Dhaka Tribune that the land was granted to the school during the previous government.

“Earlier, the area was used as a truck stand. After the fall of the government, the people from the truck stand took over the land again. It was not canal land; we were given papers for fallow land. But I don’t know why it’s now being referred to as canal land. However, since an investigation is ongoing, it’s better not to comment further,” he said.

What authorities say

Rajuk Chief Town Planner Md Ashraful Islam told media: “According to CS and RS records, it is clear that this land is part of the canal. At the same time, land use approval is not granted for such land. However, due to the circumstances at the time, we were forced to grant land use approval in the name of Shurer Dhara. Rajuk has now decided to send a letter to the landowner and review all aspects before canceling the land use approval.”

He added: “The matter of canceling or not canceling the lease will be the responsibility of the DC office.”

When contacted, Dhaka Deputy Commissioner Tanveer Ahmed told Dhaka Tribune that he had already assigned the additional deputy commissioner of revenue to investigate the matter regarding the portion of Ramchandrapur canal leased to the Shurer Dhara music school. “The investigation is underway, and more details can only be shared once the report is received.”

Regarding allegations of the canal being encroached upon, Tanveer Ahmed said he would look into them seriously and take necessary action after discussing the matter with the relevant authorities.

He added that the authorities have organized a workshop on Saturday, where a map will be created to identify the areas of Dhaka’s canals that have been encroached upon.

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